It's Oscar Weekend! The Mogo guide to the Academy Awards 2012

It’s here, cats and kittens! No, not Love Your Pet Day (though that’s this week, too), but that most beloved of annual celebrity pageants, the Oscars! This coming Sunday, I’ll be huddled around my TV, wine glass in hand, oohing and aahing at the dresses, the speeches and the general spectacle that is the annual ceremony.

In my movie-loving household, watching the Oscars is an annual event that produces as much fanfare as Christmas (seriously). Every year since I was a baby, and even before, the Oscars has been a household tradition; famously, my mom was in the hospital having just given birth to me when she watched the 1983 ceremony. Since then I’ve always watched the live telecast, even when I was in Italy in the tenth grade and had to watch it at 1:30 am.

This year, the 84th annual outing, I’ll be watching at an Oscar party with friends—all the better to comment on the action, sarcastically/snarky or not—and I will definitely be making predictions (as you may remember, this is something I love to do). Here now, are my predictions for the main categories of this year’s Oscar race. Anyone wanna place a bet?

  • Best Picture: The Artist
  • Best Actor: George Clooney, The Descendants
  • Best Actress: Meryl Streep, The Iron Lady
  • Best Supporting Actor: Christopher Plummer, Beginners
  • Best Supporting Actress: Octavia Spencer, The Help
  • Best Director: Terence Malick, Tree of Life
  • Best Screenplay (Adapted): The Descendants
  • Best Screenplay (Original): Bridesmaids*

And of course, the best song will be “Man or Muppet?” from my favourite film of the year, The Muppets. It’s a travesty that there are only two songs nominated in this category, and that there won’t be a live performance of either in this year’s telecast. Boo, Academy! Though who knows—last I looked a petition to get the songs, specifically
“Man or Muppet?” performed live had more than 50,000 signatures. Maybe there’s hope after all?

Regardless, I’ll be front and centre this coming Sunday night. Will you be?

*This one’s a longshot, I think, but it’s moreso my desire to see it win than anything else. Go Kristen Wiig, go!

Image via Gelatobaby