3 Quick Back to School Savings Tips

OK, OK – I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself here. I know that summer is only halfway through. But that means we should start looking at the next set of expenses: Back to school shopping.

Got a kid (or two, or three, or four) ready to hit the books again in September? Are you heading back yourself? You know that it can be a pricey time of year, so here are some ways you can get back to school without breaking the bank.

Get a Game Plan:

Planning can be boring, but it can also save you cash and time. There’s nothing worse than spending a summer day shopping for school supplies and clothes. Sit down (with or without the kids – whatever’s easiest for you) and make a full list. Cover things like clothes, supplies and incidentals. Even though most elementary schools haven’t released the supply lists, I’m sure you’ve got a good idea what’s going to be on there. And besides, if there is something specific, you can always grab it later on.

Check the Closets:

Whether you’re scoping out clothes or supplies, chances are you might have something kicking around that can do the job for you. Open up those forgotten drawers and find used (but still good) 3-ring binders, pencil cases and enough to get the year started. If you take care of your stuff – or somehow the kids don’t lose it during the first week of class – you should have a steady supply of school supplies that you might have forgotten about.

Spend More, Save More:

OK – so this might sound a little tough, but bare with me. Sometimes you need to spend a little more to get quality, usable supplies. There’s no sense saving $0.03 on paper when it’s going to be see-through, or spending $0.50 less on pens that are going to run out before you get to the bottom of the page. When it’s time to buy, invest in some quality materials and save yourself more money and time on replacements in the long run.

Happy schooling! Now, enjoy the rest of the summer while it’s still here.