6 Easy Ways to Save Money on Gas

If the gas price has you fending off a coronary every time you have to fill up, there are a number of ways you can save money on gas that don’t involve you getting a bike, carpooling or taking public transport. When you simply have to use your car, there are things you can do to make it more economical; so save yourself some green while making your car more environmentally friendly.

  1. The biggest contributor to gas consumption is you, so slow down already! Try to avoid stopping and starting and opt for a more fluid driving style. From now on, you are the Zen master of driving.
  2. Check your tire pressure. Tires that are improperly inflated add a whopping 2 billion gallons of gas to American driver’s consumption each year. Inspect your tires regularly to ensure that they are properly inflated.
  3. Check that your gas cap is closed. It’s estimated that 147 million gallons of gas is lost each year in the US to evaporation from gas caps that don’t close properly or have perished seals. The problem is exacerbated when drivers top off their tanks.
  4. Regular maintenance will help your car to run optimally and use less gas. You can save 10% of your consumption just by changing a dirty air filter.
  5. Get rid of extra weight by keeping your backseat and trunk free of clutter. The more weight you are hauling around, the higher your gas consumption.
  6. Try to do more than one errand on each trip to reduce the amount of driving you need to do. If you need to take your kids to soccer practice, then this may be the perfect time to do the grocery shopping. The more errands you do with each trip, the fewer trips you will have to make.