A Cheap Day At The Beach

Well, Canada. Summer is finally here! We slogged through months of rain, snow and clouds and even thought it’s nearly the end of June we can finally welcome some of the warm weather.
This is a great season for spending some great quality time with friends and family – and best of all, it’s totally easy on your wallet.

So this weekend, when you’re looking for something to do, why not head to the water? Whether you’re on one of our fine coasts, or inland and close to lakes/rivers/pools, start your summer off with a little sun and swimming. It’s cheaper than a day at the mall or movie theatre – and here are some great ways to keep it cheap.

Go Early:

Whether you’re hitting the beaches in Vancouver, or Cottage Country in Ontario, showing up early gives you the best spots on the water, or in your car. Free parking spots are at a premium, and if you can snag one, that leaves some money for a popsicle later.

Pack a Lunch:

Eating out can be fun, but if you hit a grocery store first, you can save some bucks on all that grub. Bonus points for a fully iced cooler and red cups for your drinks!

Wear Last Year’s Gear:

I know it can be tempting to hit the mall for new clothes each time a new season rolls around, but the more use you get out of last year’s swimsuit, the more money you save in the long run.

Some items not to skimp on:

• Sun protection! Be sure to slip, slap, slop! Sunscreen can be cheap, or expensive at the beach, but it’s definitely worth it. Lather up you and your family.

• Water – again, not necessarily expensive (and free if you bring a bottle and have access to a tap), but be sure to get hydrated out there.

Have fun out there, Canada. And enjoy the summer!