Amazon Will Now Buy Your Old Gear

Lately, I’ve been on a big cleaning spree. My apartment is looking more and more bare and I’ve been using it as an opportunity to put a bit more cash into my pocket.

There are the traditional routes of selling gear: garage sales, friends, classified ads or taking it online to sites like eBay or Craigslist. But those methods all take time and relying on other people to come check out the gear, meet at a set time, and then haggle over the price. Sometimes it’s worth it, but others it’s much for of a hassle.

Well, the world’s biggest online retailer is getting into the Trade-In game, and this could be an excellent opportunity to trade in some of your old gear. Amazon now has a trade-in site section and it’s well-worth a look.

Items available for trade in:

• Cell Phones

• Tablets

• Digital Cameras

• Video Games

• DVDs

• Text books

Check your closets, shelves and trunks to see if you’ve got any of these items collecting some dusk (when they could help you collect some cash). This is perfect for people that already use Amazon for online shopping – as the funds you get will be applied to future purchases.

They offer free shipping and gift card payouts. It’s a pretty easy process, and works as well for first-timers as repeat users.

Sure, Amazon might not give you the best prices available for your used stuff – but the convenience just might be worth it. There’s no sense sitting on used gear, waiting for it to be obsolete – cash in now and get some extra bucks for online shopping.