Avoid February Funk: Save Now For Fun Later

Well, here we are. The New Year isn’t so new anymore, Valentine’s Day is over, and we’re in the longest stretch of the year without a long weekend. Throw in some Canadian winter weather and… things might just sound a bit too gloomy.

But fear not, Mogo-ites! This is a great time of year for a bit of planning. Get the jump on 2011 to make sure it’s the easiest year your finances have ever had!

You know that saying, “save it for a rainy day”? Well, in this personal finance post, we’re going to tell you to try the opposite. We all know this is a great time of year for laying low and just catching a movie inside. Well what if you took that saving now, for some fun later? Here’s how to do it:

What do you like to do? Figure that part out, and the rest is easy.

For me, I’ve been dreaming about golfing all winter long. Right now, I can’t get out there on the weekend, so here’s my plan. Payday is the 15th, so I took out an amount that works for a day on the course: ($70) and put it into an envelope. Any number can work here – want $15 for a movie, $10 for lunch or $5 for an ice cream? – that all works.

The envelope is now in my desk, marked ‘summer golf’. So this upcoming weekend, instead of going out, I’m going to take care of some housework and cleaning I’ve been meaning to do, ‘banking’ that cash.

When the summer rolls around and I can actually do the things I love (golfing), I’ll be able to grab the cash and hit the course without incurring some extra expense. A bit of savings now, some fun later. Don’t you love when that works out?