Fall booze recipes

Fall is, as mentioned, an awesome time for seasonal beer, and for soup. But it’s also a great time to try out different booze recipes. No longer is it sangria or chilled white wine season. No! It is now time for hot toddys and ciders. Yum. Here are my five fave recipes for a boozey fall. (Note: these are adapted from recipes I’ve tried over the years.)

Hot Toddy

The classic rum drink, this one will cure colds and make your night better at the same time. Magical! This version is made extra magical by (allegedly) being the same recipe that the author William Faulkner employed for sick family members (it’s relayed here by his granddaughter, who called him Pappy). Enjoy!

Take one heavy glass tumbler.
Fill approximately half full with Heaven Hill bourbon (the Jack Daniel’s was reserved for Pappy’s ailments).
Add one tablespoon of sugar.
Squeeze 1/2 lemon and drop into glass.
Stir until sugar dissolves.
Fill glass with boiling water.
Serve with potholder to protect patient’s hands from the hot glass.

His granddaughter adds: “Pappy always made a small ceremony out of serving his Hot Toddy, bringing it upstairs on a silver tray and admonishing his patient to drink it quickly, before it cooled off. It never failed.” I encourage you to do the same!

Stone Fence

The name origin of this one is a bit of a mystery, but the tastiness cannot be denied. This one has a British-y taste to it (it’s the bitters, I suspect) so I can’t help but imagine the stone fences separating the rolling hills of England while I sip.

In a large tumbler, beer mug or tall glass, add ice. Pour in the following:

2 oz Apple Jack or apple brandy
2 oz apple cider
Couple shakes bitters
Fill with a good, bottled hard cider (I like canned ones too) and stir

Dust with ground cinnamon, and garnish with an apple slice. This one will need a straw.

Irish Car Bomb

For beer drinkers, there’s nothing better than a little bit of kick to power your brew. This on requires a love of Guinness and of Irish whiskey, as well as drinking quickly, so be warned!

Half pint Guinness, in a pint glass

A shot of Irish whiskey

Drop the shot in the Guinness and…well, chug. Ta da!

Spiked Apple Pie Punch

This one’s for the parties. And make sure no one’s driving home (note the grain alcohol…yikes!).

This one works well both hot and cold. With one 750-milliliter bottle of grain alcohol, you can serve about 36 people and get them all feeling seasonal with the apple and cinnamon flavors.

Prep time: 5 minutes, Cook time: 30 minutes


1 gallon apple juice

1 gallon apple cider

3 cups white sugar

8 cinnamon sticks

1 bottle 190 proof grain alcohol (750 ml)


  1. In a large pot, combine juice, cider, sugar and cinnamon sticks. Bring to a boil, then remove from heat and let cool completely.

  2. When cool, stir in grain alcohol.

  3. Transfer to large serving dish and let guests ladle into cups. Garnish with additional cinnamon sticks or apple slices, if desired.

Cranberry Lime Bellini

While bellinis are traditionally summer-y drinks, the cranberry in this one is both seasonal and seasonally appropriate, while also being incredibly simple and tasty. And who doesn’t love Prosecco? Mmm.

3 cups cranberry juice

750 ml Prosecco
1 lime

Easy peasy: Mix cranberry juice and Prosecco into a pitcher, add the juice of 1 lime, and drink! Repeat!

*What are your favourite fall booze drinks? Tell us in the comments. *