#FindTheBride: Finance, Romance and a V-Day Wedding

If you were milling around downtown Vancouver on Valentine’s Day, you might have noticed a bride (or three) running frantically through the streets—with the groom in tow. We’d just done this survey on dating and finances, which gave us some eye-opening insights on finance and romance. SO, we got to thinking about something we could do to raise awareness about it. In a cool way, of course.

Enter #FindTheBride: Bride leaves groom at altar after finding out he’s in major credit card debt. Bride runs downtown, followed by groom. They talk. Groom reveals he already got MogoMoney to pay off debt. They ride off into the sunset. CRISIS AVERTED.

So how did it all go down?

First, we had to prep the brides
Then set the stage downtown...
It was pretty dramatic...
Quite a few people were Team Dan
Plot twist: the groom got his finances together. Success!

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