Fun Money Friday: $150 to MASC for National Men’s Grooming Day

Along with Valentine’s Day and your anniversary, National Men’s Grooming Day is a can’t-forget occasion. That’s why this Fun Money Friday, we’re giving away $150 to MASC Skin Care. MASC specializes in grooming products that’ll make your girlfriend or boyfriend jealous. Read on for how to win.

Follow these steps to enter for your chance to WIN:

  1. Fill out the form here

  2. Like our Facebook page  or Instagram page

3. LIKE and SHARE this post to your Facebook account or Instagram account (extra points for doing both!)

  1. TAG at least 3 friends in the comments of the post

The draw will be made Friday, August 22, 2014. Congrats to our last week’s winner Andrew Bazan!

Don’t forget to check out our Mogo Cards and sign up for one at