The Gamification of FinTech

Playing tennis on your Wii U is fun, sure. Addictive, even. But what if we could use the powers of gaming for good? That’s what our team is working hard at every day: dreaming up new ways to make it fun to be smart with your money. It’s a tough one—we know from personal experience.


Using game design techniques to instill positive behaviours in consumers, we’re taking a creative approach to social responsibility in finances. Keeping track of finances isn’t a chore anymore; it’s now a fun experience that gets people excited to see how they’re doing. Does your bank do this? PROBABLY NOT.

Meet Rob


Let us introduce you to Rob. Before joining Mogo’s product design team, Rob was Executive Producer at DeNa, one of the largest mobile and social gaming companies in Japan. Here’s Rob explaining how gaming works to get you financially fit:

In the Mogo experience, we’re creating multiple positive feedback loops, which allow us to effect positive change by rewarding the user for financially healthy decisions. We’re giving the user the real benefit of saving money—it’s a game with real-world value.
- Rob, director of UX, past gamer

We dig the way Rob thinks.

Psych 101

Blending technology and design together with positive reinforcement, we’ve designed an experience that injects moments of delight into our messaging when you make consecutive payments on time. Motivation to be financially responsible HEYO.

Get on that next level


Modelled after adventure and role-playing games that reward players by unlocking new levels and gear, our Level Up program rewards your on-time payments by unlocking lower interest rates*.

The best of Fitbit and Snapchat


We’re big fans of how Fitbit and Snapchat have gamified getting healthy and being social. Counting steps, choosing our favourite Snapchat filters… yeah. We’re really into it. We’ve actually been so inspired that we’re incorporating emojis and design elements like animated dials and progress bars into a holistic user experience. All to encourage financially responsible behaviour. Hey, whatever it takes to keep you on track.

There was a study done in Kenya that explored different ways of motivating people to save money, and out of all the incentives, the gamified approach that helped the participants track their savings was the most effective. That supports our belief that the progress tracking in our Snapshots is a good way to positively impact Canadians’ financial futures.
- Chantel, Financial Fitness Coach

Unlike banks and credit card companies, we don’t use gamification and points systems to reward the financially risky behaviour of overspending on credit. Instead, we use them (along with technology and well thought out design) to get you excited about getting financially fit. If that’s not disruption, we don’t know what is.

Sign up for a free MogoAccount and gamify your $$$!