Go figure: Lace up and get down - skating in Toronto

Skating activities in the city of Toronto help to make winter fun

The reticence of Old Man Winter to get with this year’s seasonal program has put the kibosh on many of our fun winter activities. But now as temperatures drop (finally!) the outdoor skating rinks owned by the City of Toronto are fully operational and open to the public.

The Nathan Phillips skating rink outside of city hall is well maintained and supervised and the best place to see and be seen for a weekend skate. Skates and gear can be rented onsite if you don’t have your own.

Those crazy cats at the Harbourfront Center Natrel Rink bring you a skating event like no other. It’s DJ Skate Night from 8-11 on Saturday nights. Lace up to get down at their awesome boogie nights, each one featuring a new DJ with unique beats. You can experience everything from disco to reggae… on ice… for free! You can skate during the day too; the lakeside Natrel Rink has beautiful views, indoor changing area and a restaurant.

If you don’t actually want to don your skates, there are many other ice-related activities to enjoy. The Toronto Maple Leafs are a local obsession. So much so that tickets to Leafs games are as scarce as hen’s teeth. Try your luck on the Leaf’s website or opt for a Marlies game instead.

If you are pursuing activities more sedentary, try your hand at curling. Curling clubs come in all shapes and sizes from fancy to fun. Some command a country club air of sophistication while public clubs are casual and laid back. Go classy at the Granite Club on Bayview or the Donalda Curling Club at Don Mills. If casual and fun is more your style, try the East York or High Park Clubs.  There’s even a gay curling league which meets on Sundays and Wednesdays.

With the abundance of local ice rinks that Toronto sports, it’s not unknown for a spontaneous game of ‘shinny’ to erupt. Do not be alarmed. Just take a deep breath, grab a broom stick and join in the fun. Shinny is the non-contact version of ice hockey where the only predetermined position is that of goalie with the other players making it up as they go along. Pucks, goals and hockey sticks can be made out of just about anything. Whatever your skate-related activity this winter, stay warm and play nice.

Are you hitting the ice? Let us know where!

image via starfire