How Spending $17.95 Can Save You Over $300,000

I’ve got an upcoming trip down to the US next week and I will definitely be spending a little now to save on a potential mountain of debt later.

I’m talking about travel insurance. If you don’t get it, you’re begging for trouble.

It’s the kind of expense that you hope is wasted – ie: never even used or remembered on the trip. Think of it like buying an umbrella – and it’ll keep your savings and future dry.

The difference between health care in Canada and the States is massive – and I’m sure you’ve heard horror stories about travelers getting stuck with $5000 ambulance rides, $20,000 hospital visits or even $300,000+ in surgeries and extended care – those things can happen, even if you’re just crossing the line to do some outlet shopping.

Where Can I Get It?

Before my trip, I walked into a small insurance agency and took about 10 minutes to find a plan that covered the amount of time I was gone and had decent coverage. Overall, it took almost none of my time and cost me $17. A quick Google search will show you insurance shops that are close by.

You might not even have to walk out the door as some sites offer online insurance as well. You might even have the insurance already – check with your credit card provider, as this is often a perk that comes along with annual fees.

How Can I Use It?

Each plan will vary, so it’s important to actually read the information and talk with your insurance agent. Some plans will require you to visit certain doctors/dentists/clinics, others will reimburse you later, but all of the good ones will help you when you need help.

Put yourself in good hands and remove the stress of insurance to have a great trip.