How to move you regular workout indoors (5 easy steps)

One of the most challenging things about the weather getting colder is, in my mind, continuing to be motivated to work out. This is already a challenge for me, and I feel like it takes me a couple of months just to get a workout routine down. Not to mention that, in the summer, it’s WAY easier to just get outside and do stuff. That, and the heat, mean you’re generally in pretty good shape by summer’s end.

But then there’s fall, with its bulkier clothing, heartier food, and promotion of sitting by the fire doing nothing but eating and drinking (for me, anyway). So just how does one stay motivated to workout when all of these factors are standing in one’s way?

Well, I thought about it, and I did a little bit of research, and I think I came up with a few good ways to keep the momentum going. This is simple stuff that I would do—cuz the general “Just Do It!” way of operating for people who love exercising does NOT work for me. Ahem.

1. Stick with an instructor

For me, the captain of the ship is everything when it comes to keeping up an exercise routine. All summer I did outdoor yoga with an awesome instructor, and now that fall approaches she’s moving her practice indoors. The studio is not super convenient for me, but I’m going there anyway because she is the tie that binds.

2. Stick with a routine

Similar to #1, things are easier transition wise if you keep doing what you’re doing—regardless of the setting. I’m into Vinyasa yoga, and if I were to switch right now, chances are I’d kinda give up on the thing altogether.

3. …Or don’t

Of course, the opposite may also be true. Change in season = change in routine. It might reinvigorate your workout to change it up now, while the changing is happening everywhere. Take a new class? Join a new gym or community centre? Now might be your best chance.

4. Grab a buddy

In my experience, fall is the time for people to settle in and get down to it (as opposed to summer, when they’re all traveling, relaxing and are freer of mind). Maybe it’s a leftover effect of going back to school, but whatever the reason, now might be a great time to rope in a friend to come along on your workouts.

5. Don’t be so hard on yourself!

This is kind of universal, and not seasonal, but I have a hard time remembering this sometimes—it’s always tough to get motivated, no matter what. If you’re feeling down or beating yourself up about not exercising, STOP IT. Mental and emotional health is just as important as physical health. Take a breath, and relax. And then, when you’re ready…look at this list again. J