How To Save Money By Using Your Smartphone

So you’ve made the jump and use a smartphone. While they can be a little expensive (with data fees, contracts, etc), they also give you great opportunities to save money.

Check out some of these apps and ideas for ways to save money, budget properly and even have a little bit of fun. Most of these apps are free, but the ones that cost a little bit are surely worth the expense.

Budgeting Software

If you’re like me, keeping track of your finances and spending can be tough. When I need to track all my expenses, I turn to my smartphone. I always have it on hand, and can use it quickly and easily after purchases. Apps like Mint, Billminder and Moneywise all have great budgeting functions to show you how and where you’re spending cash.

Cheap Gas

Try out an application like GasBuddy (iPhone, Android) to, well, find Cheap Gas. The app uses user-generated information to track gas prices in certain neighbourhoods. Simply logon to the app when you’re about ready to fill up – and it will tell you the best gas station to hit, based on prices. The app is free, and will save you some green.

Voice Over IP Calls

Using Skype on your smartphone is a great way to save on long distance bills. Simply logon through the Skype application (while attached to a wifi signal) and use the service as you normally would. Expect the same audio levels that you usually have on your computer, but in the palm of your hand. This only works when on wireless internet – but expect that to change in the reasonably near future as data networks are getting faster and faster.

Check out each networks app store (especially in the Free Section) for more great ways to get the most out of your phone experience. Have any must-have money saving apps? Let us know in the comments section or on Facebook.

Happy chatting!