Kids Halloween Costumes That Won’t Break The Bank

Halloween is closer than you think, so it’s time to start thinking about your kid’s costume. A little bit of work now will save on stress, cash and sleep when October 30th runs around and you realize junior needs to be a spaceman like Tommy from down the road!

Don’t smash your financial pumpkin and sanity! Act this week to save cash and build the holiday hype.

Start Early

****Your kid is going to want to do everything early around Halloween. What do you mean we can’t start trick or treating at 2:30?! Why not start asking them what they want to dress up as for Halloween now, so you can both get your gears turning on ideas.

Two weeks of prep time is always better than one or two nights.

Steer Clear of Pre-Made Costumes

Because you started planning early, you can avoid walking through pharmacies and grocery stores in fear of your kid wanting the overly priced pieces of plastic that pass as costumes.

Most times, your child will only get one use out of the costume, or need to wear a winter coat over it (the realities of Canadian Halloween!), so don’t break the bank.

Build it Yourself!

By talking about it before hand, you can easily get your kid pumped on the bonding experience of making a costume instead of picking up something pricey. Spend a weekend creating that perfect vampire costume instead of paying for tons of supplies.

A lot of classic costumes can be created with items from around the house. Think: athletes, ghosts, accountants… some of them are obviously better than others.

The money you save on the costume can easily go towards some Halloween treats, a spooky night out or paying off an unrelated bill.