Last minute Easter savings tips

Spring is here, and that usually means one thing for me: Easter weekend has snuck up on me again.

We’ve finally gotten through that long stretch of the year where there are no long weekends or stat holidays, so it’s time to make this one count! As usual, holidays are usually a bit of a punch in the pocketbook (that’s a saying, right?) – so here are a few ways to save enough to fill your own Easter basket.

Potluck Dinners

Just because you’re getting together with the entire family doesn’t mean you need to feed the entire family. If everybody brings a dish, you save on the expense of all the ingredients AND the prep time. That’s a win for everybody.

Can you reschedule?

Flying, traveling and sailing during holiday weekends can be extra daunting when it comes to bookings. Prices go up and the number of available seats goes down. My family often ‘reschedules’ holidays for a close-by weekend. It lets us save a bit of cash and travel with fewer maniacs.

Go non-traditional

Just because it’s the holidays doesn’t mean you need Ham, Turkey AND a roast beast. Sometimes a great family/friends dinner can be simple and cost effective. There’s no need to get the $50 bottle or red wine when the 6 pack will do — the same with prime cuts of meat vs. something a bit simpler.

Remember, the best part of the holidays is getting together with the family, so spend on what you can afford and the rest will take care of itself.

Hoppy savings.