LifeHacker Tells Us The Best Times to Buy

Here is a great article from the good people at LifeHacker about optimizing your calendar of shopping. I’m not saying you should be spending your way through the entire year, but if you’ve got some purchases planned, you should definitely check out this link and the info in it:

They profiled a lot of customer data, sales trends and major chain discount cycles to come up with the best times of year for buying… well… pretty much anything you can think of.

Their market research can really turn into some savings when you’re out to make purchases.

My Favorite Monthly Highlight:

-       January: Sporting Goods

-       February: Digital Cameras

-       March: Frozen Foods

-       April: Boots & Winter Wear

-       May: Patio Furniture

-       June: Gym Memberships

-       July: Grills

-       August: Laptops

-       September: Wines

-       October: Toys & Games

-       November: Aluminum Foil & Plastic Wrap… seriously

-       December: HDTV and home theater equipment

As you can see, there’s stuff on there for everyone, and some pretty strange items, too. We’ve all got stuff to buy, so check out the full list and see the trends in yearly shopping and sales.

Have any other hints for Mogo customers? Hit us up in the comments sections, Tweet us, or put it up on the Facebook Wall. Happy shopping smart spenders!