Make Your Own Popcorn & Save Big Bucks

You can read a lot of financial advice out there that tells you to cut back and remove unnecessary expenses from your life – but sometimes you just need to treat yourself.

A while back, I told you about supplementing your entertainment budget with Netflix instead of hitting the theatre to see movies with your family… now I’m a big fan of saving cash while sitting on my couch – but I miss one big part of the movie-going experience: the popcorn!

Microwaved popcorn just doesn’t cut it for me, and somehow I almost always wind up burning it and setting off our smoke detector – leaving me waving a newspaper at our smoke detector, wishing I was at the theatre.

But fear not! Leave the microwave bags out of this after checking out this tip: make your own movie-theatre-quality popcorn with four simple (and cheap!) products:
• A whirly pop popcorn popper (available in any kitchen section or on Amazon for ~$20)
coconut oil
• Flavacol (this is what makes movie theatre popcorn taste like movie theatre popcorn) All the big chains buy and use this stuff. Trust me!
• Oh yeah… popcorn (the cheapest ingredient!)

Just follow the instructions with your whirly pop on your stove top and add the Flavacol – 1 quart of this stuff is $2.50 and should last you for months! These simple purchases were an easy way to eventually save a lot of money. Seriously – if you make 3 bags worth, it pays for itself.

Movie night at home just got better and much more authentic. Happy popping!