MogoPerks: Man Crates Personalized Whiskey Crate

MogoPerks: Man Crates Personalized Whiskey Crate

You weren’t born a sophisticated man, nor were you born with an affinity for whiskey. And even though you so desperately wanted to be a “man’s man,” the first time you drank the stuff, it came out your nostrils and disinfected the kitchen sink. Oh well, one less cleaning to take care of…

But, Man Crates knows something for sure: the transformation into manhood starts with a strong drink.

As does the transformation to gaining respect from your manly peers (not to mention admiration from the man-wanting ladies).

That’s where the Personalized Whiskey Crate comes to your boyhood’s rescue, whisking you away into a world of handlebar moustaches, tailored suits, and Cuban cigars.

The crate comes as stocked as your brotherless sock drawer:


Two personalized, heavy bottom rocks glasses so you can throw away the Dixie cups, a couple of ice sphere molds to keep your drink cold longer (cause who doesn’t need that?), two slate coasters to protect the your mahogany surfaces, and 33 drams of whisky drinking journal to jot down those inconceivable, or incomprehensible?, drunken thoughts.

Plus it also comes with some totally adult snacks to battle the Whiskey flavor bully: salted pistachios, spiced peppercorn peanuts, and sweet and spicy pecans.

And, no, you can’t serve Whiskey with Doritos and Cheese Puffs.

We want one of our Mogo Members to up their Whiskey game so we will be giving away one Man Crate away to one lucky winner.

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