Movember: Grow a Moustache for a Really Good Cause

From the sublime to the ridiculous, moustaches really are the defining mark of a man. Whether you choose a ‘stache of whimsy like Dali’s, or grow a magnificent mane like famous cowboy Sam Elliot, Movember is the month for moustaches.

Like most worthwhile endeavours, Movember was birthed in a bar in Melbourne in 2003 when two mates took a bet to grow a moustache for the month of November. The moustaches produced such a sensation that they realized that with great moustache comes great responsibility. Since then the Movember crowd has been recruiting members to grow moustaches in a bid to raise awareness and funds for prostate cancer research.

The charity has been wildly successful and this year they will be celebrating their tenth year. You can participate by signing up to the Movember website. You will get your own Movember link where you can post pictures of your growing facial hair. Friends, colleagues, family members and perfect strangers can follow the link to donate money to your Movember cause.

Of course your new look will illicit some commentary, so take the opportunity to discuss the issues that prompted the creation of Movember and encourage curious onlookers to help prevent prostate cancer. Movember is not only for the Mo Bros. Mo Sisters can also participate by raising funds or awareness of prostate cancer issues.

You can attend one of the many Movember parties in your city or host one of your own. You can also purchase some Mo merchandise from the site or distribute information about prostate cancer.

Movember is extremely popular in Canada and it’s the Canadians who currently hold the title for the most funds donated. Check the leaderboards regularly here.

Do something fun with your facial hair this Movember and help to raise money for a really good cause. Grow a moustache, donate funds or just find out more about men’s health issues and help spread the good Mo word. Get inspiration for your moustache here.