Rejoice, Canada – Is Ready For Canadians!

Here is a great piece of budgeting software that will (positively) impact your financial life.

What is it? is a safe and secure way to monitor your spending, savings, debt and properties. It’s intuitive system lets you look at your finances from every angle. Set goals, budgets and more – and even receive email telling you when you’ve met goals, or are running low on funds.

Mint talks to you in simple language, that makes for an easy, honest look at your money.

Best of all – this is totally free.

Is it safe?

Mint has been available to Canadians since early 2011 – with over 30,000 Canadians taking the financial plunge in the first month of availability. Mint has ringing endorsements from The Globe and Mail, The National Post, and – and now Mogo.

With Verisign, McAfee SECURE and TRUSTe certification, this site adheres to the tough standards of online banks and government informational security concerns.

How can I use it?

We always like to tell you that the biggest part of the financial battle is knowing what you have and knowing what you owe. We really suggest getting a (totally free) account and putting in your banking information.

Watch the basic reports that Mint generates for you based on the last three calendar months. As time goes by, reports will get more and more detailed for you – enhancing your financial experience. Time and a little effort will build out your account, giving you even better insights into the way you spend and save.