Save $100 in 10 Minutes: Add An Extra Stop To Your Grocery Shopping Trip

So we all know that the warehouse chains (Costco, Superstore, etc) can be great ways to add some value to your grocery shopping experience – buying in bulk and stocking up on items you use frequently. However, most of us believe that getting the bulk items at warehouse chains ALWAYS saves money – some quick research from the good people at Forbes magazine suggests otherwise.

Here are some great tips to keep in mind the next time you need to hit the grocery stores and warehouse options. Spend an extra 10 minutes on your shopping excursion and find a way to save over $100 over the next few months in grocery shopping.

Forbes did some great checking around and found that even though it feels like you’re getting a great deal on bulk items, you can often just be filling your trunk, cupboards and garage with MORE stuff, rather than less expensive items.

Some items that you should avoid at Costco, and get on sale at grocery stores include:

• Pop (cans and bottles)
• Toilet Paper (this one was a big surprise for me)
• Snack foods (chips, individually packaged items)
• Office supplies (copy paper, pens)

They attributed the lower prices to timely coupons instead of the daily pricing at the big warehouse chains. So that means sometimesthe big chains are going to have a better price – but your biggest chance for the best savings is going to come from the grocery store.

Point being, if you want the very best deals from shopping around, you will need to scour around for deal coupons and make more than one stop on your grocery shopping trips. Be dilligent and watch the savings come in!

Want to check out the full article from the money experts at Click here!

Happy savings, smart spenders.