Say Cheese: an ode to cheese in Toronto

Hard, soft, blue or stinky, I have never met a cheese I didn’t like. I’m no expert; in fact, I’m more lactose junkie than I am curd nerd. Sheep, goat, buffalo, reindeer or regular cow’s milk cheese all have my personal seal of approval. No matter what your taste in cheese, Toronto has an almost overwhelming selection for you to choose from.

If you want a more French village feel, head to Kensington Market for the greatest concentration of cheese shops per capita in the city. Global Cheese can be a little overwhelming; bazillions of cheeses bump shoulders with crowds of eager customers who vie for the attention of the friendly staff. Don’t be intimidated. There are plenty of staff members, so you won’t have to wait long and they are super helpful with cheese suggestions to suit any occasion or taste. Generous with samples, you can give their cheeses a try before you settle on one you like. Also in Kensington Market is the fabulous Cheese Magic which specializes in sheep and goats cheese varieties.

The Cheese Boutique is a great place for the novice and connoisseur alike. The enthusiastic staff will wheel out cheese rounds from their enormous selection and help you pick the perfect cheese for your entertainment needs. Cheese Boutique also offers the unique service of cheese wedding cakes. Here wheels of cheese are used to create layered wedding cakes for the enlightened. The Cheese Boutique has an exquisite shop filled with the most sublime delicacies. You will be doing yourself a disservice if you don’t go.

The Cheese Emporium at two locations on Eglington and Mount Pleasant is a smorgasbord of fine cheese and other delicacies that will make you the host with the most at your next soirée. You can choose from preserves and big fat olives as well as pâté, spreads and breads. It’s your one stop nibbles shop.

Whatever your event, mood, or motivation, remember that everything is better with cheese. *Everything. *