Summer Road Trip #1: Dine in Whistler

Guys, it’s summer! Finally! The sun is out, and the weekends seem like a string of endless possibilities. That is, if you had any money, right? I hear that. I’m poor too, but there’s no saying you have to go far and away and spend lots of dough for fun times. I have recently adopted a vacation policy of “get there and back in a day,” and for the rest of the summer, I’m going to share my favourite ways to make this happen for you, too. After all, the largest cost when it comes to vacations is accommodations and travel, right? Well why not feel like you’re going on a vaycay without going all that far away? Rhyming makes it true, right?

The first of these summer road trips I’m planning is Dine in Whistler. Most of you are probably familiar with Dine Out Vancouver, an annual prix fixe extravaganza in which it’s possible to eat amazing multi-course meals at Vancouver’s best restaurants for a fraction of the normal cost. Well, Whistler has something similar, but it’s in the summer and it’s both cheaper and WAY longer than Vancouver’s version!

This year’s Dine In is already happening (it started on April 23rd) and it will run until June 28. There are eight $19 menus (!!) and seven $29 ones, but I say if I’m driving all the way to Whistler, I’m going for the big guns. I’m not only going to do the famed Bearfoot Bistro ($39 lobsterfest!), I’m also going on a Whistler Tasting Tour ($39) earlier that day for lunch. And I’m bringing a teetotaler friend who will be doing the driving, so you can bet I’ll be partaking in some bevies, too. In between, my friend and I plan on hiking off the calories on one of Whistler’s beautiful hiking trails. And we’ll back in Vancouver before bedtime, which means the whole day will—barring any disasters—cost under $200. Sounds pretty ideal, no? Join us!

Stay tuned for Summer Road Trip #2, next month!