Summer Savings Part 4: Techniques for Cheap Summer Trips

The August long weekend is looming and many Canadians are hitting the streets for a classic road trip. The common concern: pricey gas! Mogo is here with Five Great Tips to Save on Gas this Summer.

These five tips are all simple and will save you a few bucks. While they might not be huge cash savers, if you stick to all of them, you’ll definitely notice the impact on your gas receipts.

  1. Travel light:

Think before you pack! Extra items like golf clubs, roof racks, bikes and extra bags will add more weight to the car. If you can cut down in a big way, you’ll spend less money on gas and be a lighter, cheaper vehicle.

2. Plan your route:

Nothing says ‘wasted gas’ like driving an extra few Kms on the highway, rounding the block while you look for a hotel or spend time looking for a place to go. If you know exactly where you’re heading and have maps, you can cut down on extra gas and mileage. Spend your time having fun, not looking for the fun.

3. The right tire pressure:

Your tires can be draining your gas budget much more than you’d expect. As you check your oil and engine before you head out, be sure to monitor your tire pressure. Anything uneven, too low or too high can add to your expenses and increase inefficiency on the trip.

4. Other options when you get there:

Just because you drove to your destination, doesn’t mean you need to use your car for the entire trip. Take advantage of local transit, bike rentals or staying somewhere central so you can walk. This is better for the environment and, like all the other tips, will be great on your wallet.

5. Get some points:

Trips are a great time to take advantage of your credit cards. Many offer bigger points for travel-related expenses, and it’s a great way to track your spending. As long as you stay within your travel budget, using a rewarding credit card is a great way to get a little bit back from the amount that you’re spending anyways.

Be safe on the open roads and have a lot of fun.