The Three Best Canadian Money Blogs

It’s not easy managing money, and there’s a lot of conflicting information out there for people who don’t have a solid background in it. My wife calls it the WebMD problem: if you have a sore arm, and you look it up online, you might find out your sore arm is just a sore arm, and you might find out you’re having a heart attack. Maybe it’s neither, but the internet can lead you down some dark rabbit holes, my friend.

Same with money advice. The good, the bad, the Nigerian princes—they’re all out there on the web. But I’ve found three blogs that really do help me, and the bonus is that they’re Canadian (which means they get the Canadian financial system and bigger picture). In no particular order:

Give Me Back My Five Bucks –

This Vancouverite is a savvy young woman who started this blog with the simple goal of making herself debt free. I hear that! She’s been blogging about that effort, and other money matters large and small (like wedding presents, investments, etc.), for a few years now, and she gets smarter all the time. It’s also rewarding to feel that debt is something you can conquer.

Million Dollar Journey –

This guy is not content to just wash away debt; he wants to be a millionaire. He gets points for thinking big, that’s for sure. Like Krystal’s blog, this one is just one guy and his advice. That can both be awesome and sometimes a bit limited (I don’t always care about what he cares about), but there’s no mistaking the fact that he’s a very smart customer.

Finance Fox –

The alternative to Give Me Back My Five Bucks, this one’s a debt blog in which the writer is pretty aggressive about getting rid of his debt. He went from $9000 over his head to totally debt free in 13 months, so he’s worth listening to. He also gives step by step instructions on how to do it for yourself, which is a worthwhile read.

Altogether, these three blogs have taught me a whole lot about finance. I definitely still speak to experts when I can, but treating these blogs as part of my research has been very, very helpful. Do you have a favourite finance blog?