Toronto Tech Report - February edition

February holds a wealth of gadgets and geekery for the nerd in all of us. Beat the February winter blues while expanding your brain and improving your chances for world domination. Several events take place around the city in February and there is much to look forward to. Be there or… well, you know the rest.

The Winter Social Learning Event sees speaker and president of Writers UA, Joe Wilinske, discussing how to make the most of your social media efforts. This is an especially useful workshop for technical writers and will be held on Tuesday, February 7th from 6.30 pm to 8.30pm at the Twisted Kilt on Yonge Street.

Wednesday the 8th of February sees Geek Yoga take to the mat. Give your carpel tunnel the chop with Yogi Ailidh Briar’s informative class on how to stretch and breathe in an office environment. No need to rush out and spend a fortune on the perfect yoga outfit, just come in your work clothes and prepare to be relaxed. Geek Yoga runs from 6.30 to 7.30 pm at the Camaraderie Coworking Inc. office, Adelaide Street.

If you’re not finding your Nirvana at Geek Yoga on February 8th, then maybe you’re finding your tech Zen at the Toronto Tech Meetup. These monthly meets take place at the Toronto Public library and they are great opportunities to schmooze your way to the top. This month’s presentation features Gradsmarket, Microsoft and Pressly. Yulia Vasilveva will tell you what’s hot at Gradsmarket, and then Ben Kaye from Microsoft will catch us up on the latest developments at Hotmail, Messenger and Skydive. Lastly, CEO of Pressly, Jeff Brenner will regale us with tales of tablet app creation.

Social Media Week is a week-long series of events at various locations in and around the city. The conference connects everyone from CEOs to bloggers, helps them to develop their social media skills and introduces them to the social media gurus that make up the digital illuminati. The conference will run from Monday, February 13th to Friday, February 17th. See their website for details on specific events and locations.

ICECECE 2012 is here! The eighth International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering brings together scientists, engineers, students and researchers to share their knowledge, discuss future challenges and use their powers for good (we hope). It’s a great event for expanding your knowledge of the industry and getting a sneak peek into future developments. Most self-respecting geeks will be in attendance which makes this an excellent networking opportunity. The event will start on February 19th at venues across the city.

Image via aresauburn™