Wildest pet purchases - crazy gifts for your furry friends

Nikki breaks down some of the craziest things that you can grab for your pets. Let’s file this under ‘want’ instead of ‘need’.

The Critter Cruiser

This dynamic little toy is a must-have for the fashionable rodent in your life. The Critter Cruiser is a swanky hamster-powered car that let’s your hamster spin around a hamtrack like a thing possessed. The ingenious cars incorporate a hamster wheel so your hamster friends can get their daily exercise while cruising the kitchen.

Pet-sensing Doorbell

Did you forget that the dog went out and now he’s been out in the snow for two hours? The solution is simple; just get your dog to ring the doorbell. The Pet-sensing Doorbell is an effective way to know when your pooch has had enough of the great outdoors. The doorbell is activated by a sensor on the dog’s collar. When the dog comes close to the door, the doorbell is activated and you know that your best friend wants in. The doorbell can recognise up to five tags so all the furry friends in your family can join in the fun.

Kool Kennel

Is your dog getting hot under the collar? Then the Kool Kennel is the perfect thing for the overheated canine. The Kool Kennel is a portable air conditioning unit that you can attach to the outside of your dog’s kennel or cage. A blast of fresh, frigid air is the best cure for a mandatory fur coat in the summer.

The TreadWheel

Tired of coming home to find your shoes destroyed and a nasty little surprise in your closet? Now you can help your dog get rid of excess energy without lifting a finger. The TreadWheel for dogs works in the same way a hamster wheel does. The TreadWheel comes in a variety of sizes to suit dogs from teeny to terrifying. Your dog can jump on his TreadWheel any time and run at a pace that suits him. Exercise your pooch from the comfort of your couch. Now, if you can just teach him to get you a beer…