You say Dodgeball, we say… Mogo My Balls?

If you’re a Ben Stiller fan, you’ve no doubt seen the movie Dodgeball. Well, it’s happening in real life.

For the 3rd year in a row, a particularly fierce group of Mogo team members (brought together under the name “Mogo My Balls”) will be playing in a charity dodgeball tournament.

The Tournament Goal: To raise $10,000 for Imagine1Day – a charity dedicated to providing education for children in Ethiopia. 100% of the tournament profits will help Imagine1Day to build a well and provide Ethiopian schoolchildren with clean drinking water.

The first year, we took the title. Last year, Lululemon knocked us out in the finals. This year, we’re hungrier than ever for that trophy.

If you love Dodgeball, Ben Stiller, or are looking for a great way to make a difference (and get a tax receipt!), click here to help Mogo and Imagine1Day reach their goal (just select “Mogo My Balls”):

Every little dollar counts!