The Mogo Blog

What Are Socially Responsible Investments?

When building wealth, investing can be a powerful tool for many Canadians. But when you invest, where does your money actually go? Who does it help? Who does it hurt? Generally, you want to invest in financial instruments that are predicted to increase in value. You know, buy low, sell high, all that jazz. This can mean investing in companies that, despite performing well financially, don’t align with your values. But you can have your cake and eat it too. Your socially responsible cake. Th

Basics: What are Actively Managed Funds?

Let’s get back to basics! This series unpacks commonly misunderstood terms so you can level up your financial vocab. Investing is an important part of financial strategy for many Canadians. Investment can take many forms, and you can invest via many different avenues, from buying stocks to opting into a mutual fund. Even buying a bar of gold and burying it in your yard with the expectation of reselling it at a higher price could be considered investing—though it could also be considered a

What Happens If I File My Taxes Late?

Y’all seen that tax episode of the Simpsons? “The Trouble with Trillions”? Flanders files his taxes on January 1, cuz he’s Flanders. On April 15, Homer’s watching the news coverage of the huge lines at the post office, where everyone’s scrambling to file before the midnight deadline. And Homer says, “will ya look at those morons? I paid my taxes over a year ago!” Don’t be like Homer, sweet friends. But don’t be like Flanders, ‘cause he’s a narc. Be yourself, or, the version of yourself you’d