Rule Your Spending - 30 Day MogoCard Challenge
Ready to rule your spending?
We're challenging you to use the Mogo Platinum Prepaid Visa® Card1 for 30 days as your dedicated spending account. Why 30 days? By creating a new habit for a month, you’ll be more likely to stick to it and integrate it into your day-to-day life. Whether you’re an overspender or a strict budgeter, the MogoCard will help you stay on track, learn about your spending habits, and ultimately #RuleYourFinances.

What to expect in your 30 Day Challenge

Use the MogoCard as your main spending tool. It’ll help you control your spending in ways that debit and credit cards can’t.

Load money to the MogoCard for your weekly spending and stay on top of it.

Learn about your day-to-day and weekly spending habits.

Spend less than you normally would, ultimately getting you closer to your financial goals.
How to get started:

Add your spending money

To start out, we recommend adding enough spending money to last you one week.
If you don't know how much you spend each week, just take your best guess. Everyone’s weekly spend will be different. Add it to your MogoCard and see how it goes for your first week. This’ll be a good chance to learn about your spending habits.

Set your spending goal

After you add money, make sure to set your spending goal for the week. You can track your goal progress and daily budget on the Goal Tab under your Spending Account dashboard.

Spend and stay updated on-the-go

Use your MogoCard anywhere Visa is accepted.
After every purchase you’ll get an instant notification showing how much you spent and how much you have left, so you’re always on top of your spending.
Check your Spending Goal progress every day to see how you're doing. If you’re on track to staying on budget within the goal date, keep it up to reach your first Spending Goal! If not, don't worry. Most people don't have the right estimate for their weekly spending, so it's okay if you're off too.
The good news is you are now becoming more aware of your spending habits. Practice makes perfect.
Sit back and congratulate yourself on what you accomplished in week 1:
Spent less than you normally would have
Became more aware of your spending habits
One step closer closer to your financial goals

Repeat step 1-3 for the next 3 weeks

Keep on going with the steps above, and be well on your way to ruling your spending.
Complete your 30 Day Challenge, and share!
Make sure to share your 30 Day Challenge Experience with us and your friends using #RuleYourFinances. Use your MogoCard as your dedicated spending account, and share your how it’s going using the hashtag.
Happy spending.
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© 2017 Mogo Finance Technology Inc. All rights reserved. Mogo and the Mogo designs are trademarks of Mogo Finance Technology Inc.
1. Visa® is a registered trademark of Visa Int. Service Association and used under license. Mogo Platinum Prepaid Visa® Cards are owned and issued by Home Trust Company, a TM licensee of Visa Int. and subject to Terms and Conditions. Your MogoCard balance is not insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation. The MogoCard is currently only available for order through the iOS MogoApp to MogoAccount holders that have passed identity verification.