The Mogo Blog

Basics: What is Nasdaq?

Let’s get back to basics! This series unpacks commonly misunderstood terms so you can level up your financial vocab. Today: Nasdaq! One of those words that looks weirder every time you type it. This will be torture. Nasdaq. Nasdaq. Ugh. Anyways. What is Nasdaq? It was originally affiliated with the governing body that created it, the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), but in 2006 it separated to become a national securities exchange independent from NASD. The following year,

Millionaire Mondays with Maxine

Maxine has a different relationship with money than many Canadians, and as a freelancer, she knows the many joys and perils of trying to make a budget that just friggin’ works. Some specifics of her budget and financial plan might be muddy, but the path forward is clear: the recipe to her success is part home ownership, part bein’ a kickass photographer, part generational wealth, with a sprinkle of Bitcoin to boot. This interview is part of a lightly chaotic series where Megan, a writer, discu

Filing Taxes For New Canadians

Here’s a fact: a Canadian is writing this blog post. Here’s another fact: this Canadian struggled for several years before they understood how to properly file taxes in Canada, despite having lived in Canada their whole life. So if you’re new to Canada and are feeling nervous about filing taxes, you are not alone. From selecting a mode of tax preparation, to actually doing your taxes, to actually submitting them to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), the process of filing your annual income tax

What is Amortization?

Let’s get back to basics! This series unpacks commonly misunderstood terms so you can level up your financial vocab. Have you heard the term “amortization” before? You probably have. From business tax strategy to procuring your own personal mortgage, amortization is a concept with sprawling reach. So what does it mean? The good news: the concept itself is simple to understand. The bad news: like everything in finance, the practical applications of the concept are more complicated. We’ll