New ways to talk to us

Recently, we noticed some not-so-hot customer feedback on our social channels about our customer service wait times.

Like this one...


Not good. 😭

Making sure you’re happy is super important to us. Like, lose-sleep-over-it important to us. So, we had to fix this.


We looked at our customer service communication methods, and decided to majorly improve our Online Chat feature, to give you a super easy, efficient way to talk to us and get rid of those yucky wait times. We can take care of pretty much anything related to your account through our chat tool. 👍 (Like, getting that loan, making extra payments, and lots more...)

Here’s what we changed:

  1. Online Chat is now available within your MogoApp, your mobile web browser, and of course desktop.

  2. You can get to Online Chat from multiple pages on our site (like our Help Centre, and when you’re logged into your account), so if you run into trouble, we’re there to help.

  3. Our chat tool will recognise you if you’re logged in to your MogoAccount, meaning you don’t have to waste time giving us your info again.

  4. You can message us on Online Chat outside of business hours, and we'll get back to you as soon as we're back online.

Without further ado—check out the new, improved Online Chat

Let us know what you think on our social channels! We always want to hear from you, and—as you can see from the above—we’ll actually do something about it.