The Mogo Blog

Getting Out of Debt: Some Easy Steps

We’ve all been there, and some of us are there right now: debt. Whether it’s paying off some credit card bills, student loans, or even just catching up on last month’s utilities, debt is a factor in many people’s financial lives. Being in debt and having a plan to get out of debt are two very different frames of mind. If you are in debt, here are some easy steps and methods to get started on your road to personal financial glory. Know What You’re Up Against When you’re figuring out how much d

So You’re Out of Debt, Now What?

First off, congratulations. Many of us spend a long time working on getting out of debt, and when that day finally comes, are not sure what to do with ourselves and our cash! Sure, it’s a good problem to have, but it’s still worth planning for and thinking about ahead of time. As a debt-survivor, you’re going to look at your bills, accounts and notice a lot of $0 balances. It’s time to celebrate this, but beware of getting back into debt. Don’t celebrate with purchases you can’t afford! Just be

$2000 In Cash Prizes & $1 Donated To Food Banks Canada For Each Entry

The Dollars for Debt contest [] is back and it’s bigger and better than ever! There are $2000 in cash prizes to be won and $1 will be donated to Food Banks Canada for every person that enters and publishes the contest to their Facebook wall. We have a tool that lets you do this in 10 seconds! ENTER NOW [] to win money towards paying your bills! Con

It’s That Time of Year…to Start Your Christmas Savings

I guess we probably should have told you about this earlier, but the December holiday season is right around the corner. If you haven’t started saving for it, now is definitely the time. Any savings you can make ahead of time can really help out with your holiday budgeting. For me, it always seems like the cost of presents, holiday parties, flights and even wrapping paper come out of the blue. We’ve said it before (and I’m sure we’ll say it again) more planning with your money will make things