The Mogo Blog

Offline Financial Security Tips

Last time, we told you about keeping safe online [] – and some tips to keep your money, passwords and sessions safe. For those of you that don’t do a ton of banking/bills/payments online, I’m sure there are plenty of opportunities to be safer with your information at home. Your Bills Do you have a shredder? Or do your bills and statements just wind up in the trash or recycling bin as-is? Modern thieves (in big o

Be Smart – Save Money By Increasing Your Online Security

If you’re reading this blog, you’re an online consumer. Chances are, you have bought things, paid bills and maybe even gotten asuper-fast and secure online loan [] from Mogo. Are you safe enough online? In 2007, 4 out of every 10 Canadians used online banking, and that has been increasing by the year. With phone apps, and easier ways to transfer funds online more of us are embracing online finances – this is great, but it’s also a chance for unscrupulous characte

What To Do When You Lose Your Wallet

Ok – nobody likes to plan ahead for a worst case scenario situation. But if you do, you’ll certainly be glad. You know that sinking feeling in your stomach when you pat your pocket or reach into your purse… and you can’t find your wallet? Chances are, we’ve all been there and dreaded the outcome. Here are a few easy steps, and a helpful reminder on some techniques that will make sure losing your wallet isn’t the end of the world. Get an Inventory You can write it down, take pictures, or just