The Mogo Blog

ConsumerReports top 10 cars that will make it to 200K miles

The good people at ConsumerReports have rolled out a report [] (for consumers) on the top 10 cars that will last 200K miles. There is a subscription paywall to view it, but we’ve done the legwork and are ready to report their expert findings. That’s a huge number of clicks to put on your car, whether you’re measuring things on the imperial or metric system. Just in case, here’s the breakdown: 3

The DollarShaveClub brings value (and laughs) in this video

At this point, I’m not even sure if this is real, but the marketing totally worked on me. For a low, low price the DollarShaveClub will send you cartridges for your razors each and every month, gentlemen. Don’t believe me? Check out their awesomely hilarious video below. Disclaimer: some of the language in this is NEARLY not safe for work… especially if your office doesn’t appreciate BLEEPED out swear words. If they do, then send this right to your boss. (He’ll appreciate the money tip). To b

What’s that thing on the back of my twenty? – A look at art and culture on Canadian currency

I recently returned from a 14 month trip around Australia and S.E. Asia. Both regions have an abundance of rich cultural heritage, evident in their art. Trudging through the Vancouver Airport I noticed a piece of our own cultural heritage, a large greenish sculpture I recognized as a Haida piece. I knew I’d seen it before but I couldn’t quite place where. Later, when buying my first Double-Double since 2010 I saw it staring up at me from the back of a $20 bill. The Spirit of Haida Gwaii [http:/

Toronto's Vodka Bars - A clear drinking guide

Swing a cat on the streets of Toronto these days and you’re bound to hit a vodka bar. The bars are all the rage among the suited denizens of the financial district and come replete with communist era decor. Vodka bars in other cities tend to be insufferably stuffy and like to pretend that Russia had nothing to do with it. But here in Toronto, we celebrate the struggle, the endurance and the borscht that it took to make vodka the breakfast of champions. Pravda [

Maid in the Shade: Spring Clean 2012

Jill Duke breaks down how spring cleaning in 2012 can save you cash, make you money, and secure a man. Read on to find out about the intricacies of cleaning and all the benefits you can expect to find. Ladies: you could relate to this. And Gentlemen… you can probably learn something. The Cleaning Process (and men) My perfect man? Well, I’m glad you asked. He’d look like Ryan Gosling, have a sense of humour like Louis CK, and always make me dinner. But more importantly, he’d know how to clean.