The Mogo Blog

Feed Your Pet Right & Save!

1. Make sure you feed your pet the “right” amount of a balanced diet.  Trying to save money by under feeding your pet, or by feeding your pet a poor diet, will cost you down the road with additional vet bills.  And your pet will be a lot less happy.  On the other hand, over feeding your pet, or providing them a high-calorie but unbalanced diet, will probably increase your food bill, as well as result in more health problems for your pet as they age. So, save some money by feeding your pet proper

How To Save Money With Green Products!

If you are waiting for me to tell you that you have to use organic, spend lots of money and start composting in order to make a difference then let’s refresh your thoughts.  I just ask you rethink what living Green means to you and what fits your lifestyle.  I want you to think that half of your household bill goes to heating and cooling your house. The facts that I am going to share are amazing and take such little energy on our part.  I read that recycling a single aluminum can will save enoug

12 Affordable Ideas for Summer Fun for Kids

When we are on a tight budget, it can be hard to find interesting and challenging activities for our kids. However, with a little thought and sometimes just a little planning, we can find plenty of summer fun activities. Here are just a few suggestions. 1. Plan a Picnic You don’t have to travel far to have a picnic. In fact, you don’t have to travel any farther than your own backyard. The fun isn’t only in the picnic alone, but in the planning of it. It is a perfect way to create some cheap su

Tweet Your Best Savings Tip & Win 28 Bottles of Molson Canadian!

Tweet your best savings tip in 140 characters or less on Twitter [] and include + #mogosavingstip for a chance to win 28 bottles of Molson Canadian beer! We’ll announce the winner on Canada Day. Here’s an example: **Save up to 50% compared to most Canadian Payday loans with Mogo’s Zip Money ** Don’t forgot to **‘Like’ Mogo on Facebook [] **to get the best savings alerts, tips

Savings Tips From Moms Across Canada!

Earlier this week we asked Mogo fans on Facebook a simple question! Did your Mom teach you a savings tip that you still use today? We had a overwhelming response and below are some tips: • Rinsing out cans with a little water when adding things like canned soups to casserole dishes. We used to nickname my mother “Economical Trude” because she was always so thrifty with money. • Always turn off the lights! Thanks Mom! • Used newspapers to toss garbage instead of plastic bags. • My mom taught