The Mogo Blog

5 Ways to Save Big on Your Super Bowl Party!

Money Saving Tip #1: Host a Potluck Super Bowl Party In a time when every dollar counts, the best way to live large and keep the costs down is to host a potluck. Provide one or two main dishes for guests, and then ask that they bring one of their favorite Super Bowl foods to your party. Set all the food out buffet-style, and use your regular dishes and silverware instead of spending money on the paper or plastic variety. It might take longer to clean up, but you will save cash AND the environm

Free Long Distance Calls Using 1-800-GOOG411

Here’s a number worth putting in your speed dials: 1-800-goog411. (1-800-466-4411). This is an awesome service from Google, and it’s free — great when you are on the road. Don’t waste your money on information calls and don’t waste your time manually dialing the number. I am driving along in my car and I need to call the golf course but I don’t know the number. I hit the speed dial that I have programmed in (800-goog411),  for information. The voice at the other end says, “City & Province.” I

Get a Free Scene Card & Save!

Whether you’re a hard core movie goer or only see a few flicks a year you need to get a Scene card! This is one of the best loyalty programs around and here are just some of the benefits: •250 points just for signing up •Earn points every time you see a movie •10% off concessions •Access to exclusive movie and music promotions Get free movies and more: •Free movies starting at 1000 points •Free popcorn and concessions starting at 1000 points •Free music starting at 2000 points •Contest

Top 7 Ways to Eat Out for Less

Eating out can be a real treat, but often the resulting bill is anything but. Here are seven simple strategies to cut your bill, so that you can enjoy your restaurant meal without the side of guilt: 1. Share a Meal Restaurant portions are often huge, so consider splitting a dish with someone else. If you ask, many establishments will even divide your order onto two plates before bringing it out to you. The unexpected bonus for your frugal efforts? Fewer calories and fat grams hitting your waist