The Mogo Blog

Best Online Helpers For Cool Summer Travel Savings

We’ve talked about hitting the road this summer, and here are some helpful sites, apps and products that are fun to use – and can save you a few bucks along the way. Leverage the power of the internet, and it’s community of savers, to find out the best places to buy, fill up, visit or snap shots. Have a tip that isn’t on our list? Hit us up on Facebook [] or Twitter [!/mogomoney] to share with our followers. Onto the list! [

How Spending $17.95 Can Save You Over $300,000

I’ve got an upcoming trip down to the US next week and I will definitely be spending a little now to save on a potential mountain of debt later. I’m talking about travel insurance. If you don’t get it, you’re begging for trouble. It’s the kind of expense that you hope is wasted – ie: never even used or remembered on the trip. Think of it like buying an umbrella – and it’ll keep your savings and future dry. The difference between health care in Canada and the States is massive – and I’m sure y

Kick One Habit and Take A Vacation Instead!

Habits can be budget-killers. It’s a lot more fun to go have a drink, a smoke, a latte, or a dinner out than it is to worry about how much it is costing you to do those things each month. It’s really human nature. Who wants to feel deprived, or like a slave to their budget? Who wants to go without the things they enjoy just to save some money? Well, the trick is to not go without. Don’t give anything up. Just decide whether or not the habit is worth the money. If the habit is worth it to you, k

Stay-Cations: The Secret to Cutting Vacation Costs at Home

Summer is here and Canada is heating up from coast to coast. The kids are out of school and office/work life seems to generally move at a slower pace. The draw to get away from it all is high – but vacations can be pretty pricey. With a steady string of long weekends coming up through the summer, you can capitalize on your time away from work by staying close to home. Stay-cations – not just a buzzword anymore. By taking a vacation in your own city (or close by) you maximize your free time, cu