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Eat yourself Younger!

Amazing anti-aging herbs and spices

Did you know that you have many herbs and spices in your pantry that can help fight the signs of aging? Just a teaspoon of these herbs every day can help you to look younger while adding flavour to your favorite dishes. Of course, fresh herbs are more potent, but you can lean on dry herbs too.


Basil is delicious and versatile. It’s also super easy to grow in a container (try it on your windowsill) or buy fresh bunches from your local fresh produce store. Basil contains super high levels of antioxidants which help preserve the elasticity of the skin. Antioxidants also fend off cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis.

Basil contains eugenol oil which reduces swelling and provides welcome relief from arthritis pain. Basil has anti-bacterial properties too.


Cloves are a super spice. They have the highest ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) Scores which mean that they contain the most antioxidants. Not only will cloves help your skin to maintain elasticity, they can also help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism. Cloves help to stabilize blood sugar levels which reduce hunger pangs.

They are great at easing muscle pain and arthritis. They’re fantastic for dental complaints and prevent cavities, relieve tooth ache, sore throats and aching gums and cure mouth ulcers.

Cloves are also anti-bacterials and they can be used to clean cuts, cure athlete’s foot and other fungal infections, reduce bruising, and heal insect bites and stings.


Just a sprinkle of Cinnamon improves you metabolism and helps you to lose weight. Cinnamon’s anti-inflammatory properties are legendary. Cinnamon’s antibiotic properties help prevent urinary tract infections, tooth decay and gum disease. Its anti-bacterial properties are so strong; it can kill harmful E.coli bacteria. In recent studies, cinnamon was even shown to reduce the growth of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.

So do yourself a flavor favor and sprinkle some herbs and spices on your diet today!

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