The Mogo Blog

LifeHacker Tells Us The Best Times to Buy

Here is a great article from the good people at LifeHacker about optimizing your calendar of shopping. I’m not saying you should be spending your way through the entire year, but if you’ve got some purchases planned, you should definitely check out this link and the info in it: They profiled a lot of customer data, sales trends and major chain discount cycles to come up with the best times of year for buying… well… pretty much

Offseason Purchases Can Save You Big Cash

Sometimes you just can’t get around making big purchases, and that’s part of life. But large scale purchases can go in your favor – especially when you make sure to buy at the right time. Besides, when you work hard for your money and set aside some for fun stuff, there’s no harm in getting something for yourself. For example, I’m in the market to get some new skis. My current ones were bought used and have seen quiet a few seasons. It’s time to get new ones, but I’m going to be smart about it

Boxing Day Blowouts – Keep Your Wallet in Check

December is the season to give gifts and share time with your loved ones, but lets be honest – after Christmas there are a ton of deals to be had and you can get what you really wanted. Boxing Day sales have become a highlight of the shopping calendar – and it’s your job to make sure that while you’re out there getting deals, you’re not actually setting yourself back more than you wanted to. Set the Budget Did you get a department store gift card, a bit of cash from your aunt, or some store c

How Great Sales Can Derail Your Money Plans

Aimless shopping is brutal on your wallet. You know what it’s like: “Oh, I’ll just stop off at the mall to poke around; I’ll see if anything catches my eye.” This is a terrible idea if you’re trying to stick to a smart financial plan. Trips to stores like that usually result in impulse purchases that will bloat up your credit card bill and take cash away from purchases that you need. How does this happen? More often than not, sales. We’ve seen it before with coupons [

Back To School Clothes: 6 Tips To Save A Bundle

I don’t know about you, but I really dread all of the back-to-school expenses. Clothes in particular can be very expensive. Here are six tips that will help you save money when it’s time to go back-to-school shopping for your children’s clothes. 1) Trade with friends – If you have friends whose children have outgrown last year’s school clothes, try to trade with them. You may not be able to trade clothes for clothes (if you don’t have the sizes they need) but you can offer to trade services for