The Mogo Blog

Best Thanksgiving Dinner Spots in Toronto

As Thanksgiving weekend approaches, the thing you may really want to be thankful for is not having to spend all day in the kitchen and all evening washing dishes. Thanksgiving dinner in a restaurant can be the perfect answer for those who do not have the time, the space or the culinary inclination to recreate all of your family’s favourite dishes. When you just want to sit back and relax, there are many warm, inviting spots where the atmosphere is amicable and the food is sublime. Book early or

5 Foods that Fight the Flu

‘Tis the sniffle season and as the temperatures change, many of us will fall victim to colds and flu. If you are among the unlucky who get sick this year, you can speed your recovery by eating yourself better! Here are some of the foods that will help you to heal. Chicken Soup: An oldie and a goodie! A 2000 study by Dr. Stephen Rennard, confirmed that chicken soup really does help you heal. Soup is gentle on the digestive system and contains tons of valuable nutrients. Throw in some extra veggi

A Better Memory in 5 Easy Foods

Having a better memory would be incredible! Just think of the applications; wowing dates by remembering their names, the names of all their family members and every adorable thing they ever told you. Or remembering everything you ever read, especially when it comes to reports at work, or which cards your poker buddies have played. Now you can eat your way to an excellent memory with these five brain-building foods. Fatty Foods No, this doesn’t imply that pizza is good for your brain, we’re tal

Eat yourself Younger!

Amazing anti-aging herbs and spices Did you know that you have many herbs and spices in your pantry that can help fight the signs of aging? Just a teaspoon of these herbs every day can help you to look younger while adding flavour to your favorite dishes. Of course, fresh herbs are more potent, but you can lean on dry herbs too. Basil Basil [] is delicious and versatile. It’s also super easy to grow in a container

Toronto's Beer Week

As Labour Day marks the unofficial end of summer in Toronto, local residents find ways to ease the pain in the most delightful way; meet Beer Week! Toronto has the glorious distinction of being home to a large number of Canadian beer manufacturers. It also has more pubs, bars, cocktail lounges, vodka holes, gin joints and beer taverns than you can poke a sharp stick at. After all, they need something to do in the long Canadian winter… Beer Week is a non-stop adventure in hobs that cajoles throu