The Mogo Blog

Spending Less Will Make You Happier

Why do we spend our money on things and experiences? Whether it’s a pair of shoes or a nice dinner out, we do these things not because we have to but because we think they’ll make us happy. But research suggests nothing makes people happier than having their finances in order (out of debt and on track for your long term wealth goals). So if you’re not saving as much as you should or you’re currently in debt, spending less and focusing on getting out of debt and increasing your savings will act

You Never Know

It might be hard to believe, but had you invested only $5 into bitcoin in March of 2010 it would now be worth approximately $20 million today. Over the decade, bitcoin has been a real theatre... Although the debate will continue, bitcoin’s now been around for over 10 years and there’s only ever going to be 21 million of them. Today, bitcoin is valued at around $13,500 per coin, about half of its all time high. Whichever side you’re on, remember that bitcoin can be volatile and is clearly

Love (And Money) on my Mind

Whatever your relationship status is on Facebook, with Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we figured that now would be a good time to share some tips to help you kick your love life – and your financial wellness – up a notch: Little frequent gestures of affection mean a lot more than one big gesture once in a blue moon. Text messages can mean more than an expensive gift. – Reddit []

Focus on habits, not goals

Now that the new year is under-way, we thought it would be a good time to check in and see how you’re doing with your New Year’s resolution. Every year one of the top New Year’s resolutions made by millions of people is to “get out of debt and save money”. But according to a U.S. News & World Report 80 percent of these resolutions fail by February, so what are we to do? Goals are outcomes that are achieved by consistent behaviors or habits. According to Charles Duhigg author of The Power of Ha