The Mogo Blog

The Fine Art of Negotiation

Did you know that you can negotiate the prices on nearly everything you purchase? You could be saving money on everything from taking a cab to your home energy bills just by having a few simple conversations. A lot of people are afraid to negotiate because they think it’s rude, or they are afraid of a confrontation. Don’t be afraid! There is definitely a right way and a wrong way to negotiate. Here are a few simple tips: 1) Negotiate before services are performed – If you visit your hairdresse

3 Games That Save You Money

Saving money can be more fun than you think – it’s also the easiest way to help any kids get money smart early. So gather up the family or grab a friend and try out these games together. Laughter + saving is the best medicine in my book! Game #1:  Seek and Find The Stakes: A cold ice cream treat Instructions: Set a timer for five minutes (any timer will do, use the one on your stove or microwave). Have your family get together with you and “hunt down” all the spare change in your house or you

Cool Cash Savings For A Hot Summer

It’s inevitable, when the weather heats up so do our social lives. We want to get out more, doing things with our friends, being active and of course enjoying patio life!  Unfortunately doing more tends to mean spending more – but it doesn’t have to. Here are some fun frugal tips to have a hot summer and save some cool cash. 1) A tropical get-away… in your backyard – You can sunbathe in your yard as easily as you can at a beach. You can also hook up your garden hose or sprinkler, buy some water

Save Money By Hiding It Right In Front of Your Face

My friend saves money by sticking it to his fridge with magnets. Bare with me here, because this sounds a little strange – but it is an interesting technique to budget your money. The best part is, it’s easy and it takes almost no thinking. When I first saw it, I was understandably skeptical (I mean, who does that?!), but it makes sense for some people – visual savers. We’ve shown you the benefits of **cash in ** []hand budgeting [], and this

How I Saved Over $220 On My Cable/Internet Bill

Sometimes you save money without even meaning to. Yesterday, I did just that by pitting two companies against each other to save $220 in about 10 minutes. I have a pretty average Cable/Internet plan with Company A of $50/month. I decided to look at some new promotional pricing at Company B to get a PVR and more channels. At first glance, Company B was offering additional channels, a PVR and slightly faster Internet for $40/month for the first year. This seemed like a great improvement, so I w