Today’s One Good Deed
How many trees should we plant for Zero Emissions Day? It’s up to you!
Here’s how you can give back to the planet, for free.
September 21st is Zero Emissions Day—an initiative created in Nova Scotia, Canada (!!)—to halt the burning of fossil fuels for 24 hours, once a year.This year, we’re celebrating ‘ZeDay’ by planting trees. Just how many we plant, however, is totally up to you. We’ve already planted over 165,000 trees in the last month, but with your help, we want to plant even more.
One Good Deed
We’re spreading the word about Zero Emissions Day on our social channels, and the number of trees we plant will be determined by how widely our initiative is shared. The more likes we get on our ZeDay Instagram post before 11:59:59PM Pacific Standard Time on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, the more saplings we’ll be able to plant with the help of our partner veritree.
So we’re challenging YOU (yes, you!) to get involved.

With your help, we’re hoping to plant 1,000,000 trees. All you have to do is like our Instagram post, and then share it with your friends to help us get even more likes, and plant even more trees. You have 7 days to spread the word, we’ll count the likes on Tuesday, September 28th! It’s totally free, and it will help fight climate change.
That’s your good deed for today!
This initiative is part of Code Red Mode, our strategy to help make Canada—yep, the entire country—climate positive for a better future.
If you’ve already liked our ZeDay Instagram post, thank you! You’re already part of the solution to climate change. You are cause for belief in a better future. And if you want to get more involved and plant even more trees, we’ve got just the thing.
Planting Trees for the Future
Our commitment to fighting climate change at Mogo isn't new (we've already offset 35+ million pounds of CO2), but we want to do more.
Canada’s leaders currently hope to reach net carbon neutrality by 2050. We don’t think this is good enough. We must work together to create massive change, and set a new standard for personal and corporate climate responsibility.
If we don’t act now, climate change will continue to accelerate and put all of us at risk. It’s critical that we commit to securing our shared future today.
By joining us in this initiative, you join a growing number of Canadians that have decided they want to leave the world better than they found it.
Amplify Your Impact with MogoCard
Code Red Mode focuses on how efficiently trees can absorb CO2 from the air. Over its lifetime, one single tree can suck up approximately 500 lbs. of CO2 from our atmosphere, and store it in the ground.1 This makes trees extremely powerful tools in the fight against climate change.
So, we’ve made it easier than ever for you to plant trees, for free. When you sign up for the Mogo Visa* Platinum Prepaid Card, you’re able to plant as many trees as you want. Seriously. It’s unlimited. Here’s how.
The MogoCard is a prepaid reloadable card, which means you can’t go into debt while using it. According to a recent Mogo survey of active MogoCard users, some users reported saving an average of $201 per month, just by leaning into the spend control that comes with that shiny red card.2
But the really big deal is that every time you tap your MogoCard, we partner with veritree to plant a tree on your behalf.
You can live greener with the MogoCard!
With just ten taps a month, you could offset your entire carbon footprint and become climate positive. And if 1 in 5 Canadians used Mogo for their spending, Canada would be climate positive today.3

Yeah, we’re aiming high. But why wouldn’t we? Our future is worth fighting for.
Joining us in the fight is totally free to you—it costs nothing to like our Zero Emissions Day Instagram post, and nothing to use the free MogoCard to plant tons of trees. It’s time to amplify your impact and secure your future. Together, we can do this.

Sign up for your free MogoCard today, and start planting a tree with every purchase. Let’s get to work.
*Trademark of Visa International Service Association and used under licence by Peoples Trust Company. Mogo Visa Platinum Prepaid Card is issued by Peoples Trust Company pursuant to licence by Visa Int. and is subject to Terms and Conditions, visit for full details. Your MogoCard balance is not insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC). MogoCard means the Mogo Visa Platinum Prepaid Card.
1-According to research conducted by Veritree Technology Inc. 500 lbs. is an approximate amount based on Above-Ground-Carbon (AGC) and Below Ground Carbon (BGC) sequestration estimates contained in several scientific research papers regarding the carbon sequestration of Mangrove trees (the “Research”). The Research contains various ranges for the rate of carbon sequestration per hectare of land. In order to arrive at the approximate amount of 500 lbs., Veritree triangulated data points from the Research regarding AGC and BGC sequestration estimates, and then converted those results into the approximate amount of lbs. per tree.
2-Based on an online survey of active MogoCard users by Mogo Inc. conducted between July 13, 2021 and July 16, 2021, with 1,446 respondents to a combination of multiple choice and fillable text box questions. 66.5% of respondents reported that they were spending less on discretionary spending now that they were using the MogoCard, with respondents reporting that they believed to have an average savings of $201 per month (based on 902 respondents who specified an amount and excluding 60 respondents who did not specify any amount).
3-An average Canadian emits approximately 42,000 lbs of CO2 in one year. Each tree will absorb approximately 500lbs of CO2 over its lifetime (approximately 25 years). For every purchase made with the MogoCard, a tree will be planted. If you used your MogoCard for 10 purchases each month, 10 trees would be planted. If 10 trees were planted every month for a year, that would be 120 trees, and those 120 trees would absorb a combined total of 60,000 lbs of CO2 over their lifetimes (25 years), making the average Canadian climate positive. Based on the most recently available data from 2019 and assuming future data follows a similar trajectory, there were approximately 17.79 billion transactions performed by Canadians on credit cards, debit cards, cash, prepaid cards and ATMs. 17.79 billion transactions divided by approx. 30.7 million Canadians aged 18 or older in 2019, results in an average of approximately 578 transactions per Canadian aged 18 or older in 2019. If 1 out of 5 Canadians aged 18 or older used the MogoCard, that would be 6.1 million Canadians aged 18 or older using the MogoCard (20% of 30.7 million). If each of those 6.1 million Canadians made 578 transactions, that would mean 578 trees would be planted for each of those 6.1 million Canadians, resulting in a total of approximately 3.5 billion trees being planted. 3.5 billion trees multiplied by 500 lbs. of CO2 equals 1.779 trillion lbs. of CO2 offset over the lifetime of the trees (approximately 25 years), which exceeds the approximately 1.609 trillion lbs. of carbon that Canada emitted in 2019, thereby making Canada’s 2019 carbon footprint climate positive. For more information on these statistics, see: