The Mogo Blog

Uncreditcard Your Life in Four Steps

We think the first step to financial freedom is to help Canadians move away from the aftershock of credit card overspending. ![](/content/images/2015/05/27K_debt-2.gif) No doubt, breaking away from credit cards is tough, but “Mogo’s 4 Steps to Uncreditcard Your Life” can help you bust out of the debt cycle once and for all. ![](/content/images/2015/05/step_one_b-1.gif) LOWER YOUR COST OF BORROWING Mogo is the only online lender in Canada to offer loans to a full spectrum of consumers, so wh

Quiz: Do you need to uncreditcard your life?

Sorry to break it to you, but what you think you know about credit is probably wrong. For instance, paying for a round of shots at the bar on your credit card and taking months to pay it off is not a good idea. At Mogo, we want you to “uncreditcard” your life. Our suite of Mogo products are designed to help balance your out-of-control spending habits. Take our quiz to see if you need a credit card intervention. Here’s how Mogo will help STEP ONE - Your first step is to get on a plan to pay d

Mogo Presents: Holler For Your Dollar’s 5 Steps to a Rocking Credit Score

Did you know that one of the sexiest holidays of the year happens today? It’s** “Get Smart About Credit Day”** []! Excited yet? If not, get ready! Mogo has arranged free access to Holler For Your Dollar’s [] “5 Steps to a Rocking Credit Score” video. Enjoy! Mogo Presents: Holler For Your Dollar’s 5 Steps to a Rocking Credit Score. *Guest writer: Chantel Chapman*If you thought report cards stopped a