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It’s official: tech people think Mogo is super innovative

We’re in the Canadian Innovation Exchange’s (CIX) Public Investor Day Top 20! Okay that’s a mouthful, but we’re super stoked because it’s a cool program designed to showcase Canada’s hottest public tech companies. Out of hundreds of Canadian small and mid-cap tech companies, tech experts and investors across Canada chose only the 20 most innovative companies. And we’re one of them. Yay! Our CFO, Greg Feller, will be presenting on November 18 in Toronto. We really hope he remembers to pack his Mogo shirt.


Let’s face it, the finance industry is way due for an overhaul and we’re excited to find new ways to help Canadians manage and access credit. From biotech brands to companies that are attaching cameras to satellites in space, we’re flattered to be in such good company. Check out the rest of the list.


And while you’re at it, why not sign up for a MogoAccount to keep up with us?

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