The Mogo Blog

Cut Your Electrical Bill In 3 Simple Steps

I don’t know about you but there have been months where I opened up my energy bill and wanted to have a heart attack. For something that is so necessary to comfort and survival, electric power can be deceptively expensive. Here are three simple tricks that will help you save on your energy bills. The savings add up month after month and year after year as long as you continue to use them. Tip #1: Keep Things Clean Clean out your air conditioners, heaters, fans, refrigerators, etc. at least onc

How To Save On Sporting Events

Is there anything better than getting together with family and friends, piling in the car and taking off to watch your favorite team score a dramatic win? Sports events are intoxicating – the energy of the crowd, your favorite players just a few feet away, and even the overpriced junk food has a certain appeal. Attending live sports events can get expensive in a hurry though. You can use the tips below to score big savings on future games. Tip #1: Use Your Email Account Create a free email acc

Stay-Cations: The Secret to Cutting Vacation Costs at Home

Summer is here and Canada is heating up from coast to coast. The kids are out of school and office/work life seems to generally move at a slower pace. The draw to get away from it all is high – but vacations can be pretty pricey. With a steady string of long weekends coming up through the summer, you can capitalize on your time away from work by staying close to home. Stay-cations – not just a buzzword anymore. By taking a vacation in your own city (or close by) you maximize your free time, cu

Coupons Are Fool’s Gold

OK, let’s be honest – we could all be a little smarter with our money – but it’s tough. There are endless temptations, unexpected expenses and thousands of fun ways to spend your paycheque before it even hits your account. So in attempt to save money, a lot of us start using coupons. Afterall, in such an expensive world, anything that saves money is a good thing, right? Sort of. Fact is, if you’re not using coupons properly, they can sneakily increase your costs all while tricking you into think

How To Use To Save Big On Vacations

OK… so, you may be a little envious when reading this – but I saved so much money I figured I had to share. While cruising around the web to plan a summer vacation in Hawaii (yeah, that’s where the envy may come in), I was directed to a really great site for travel deals: []. Hotwire is a (free!) service that scours the web for travel deals on: hotels, flights, cruises, cars and more. It does all the searching around for the best savings so you don’t have to.