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The path to disrupting banking: 2015 edition

From going public and being dubbed the “Uber of finance” to shocking the world with a new version of “Netflix and Chill” and giving out condoms, here are a few highlights from the year that was.

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Mogo issues first MogoLiquid personal loans with 3-min. online application and instant decisioning, vs. up to 2 weeks at a bank. Yay!

Mogo signs with Visa Canada, gets ball rolling on creating Canada’s only free Prepaid Visa® Card with Chip & PIN, multiple designs, and no monthly fee.

⊲ Mogo begins offering credit scores—free to customers, paid for by Mogo and provided by Equifax Canada. Because knowledge is power.

⊲ Mogo marries finance with fine wine, creates Adulting 101: The Price is Wrong. Getting tipsy has never been more educational.

Mogo’s data scientists lower MogoLiquid’s and MogoMini’s rates even more. MogoLiquid’s rate is now 5.9%, lower than almost all Canadian banks for an unsecured loan.


⊲ CNBC asks, “Is Mogo the Uber of finance?”

⊲ Mogo launches Automated Bank Account Verification, minimizing effort to submit documents and making it less of a pain in the a$$ to show proof of income.

First MogoLiquid snapshot is born, motivating on-time payment by delivering updates on Level Up progress, loan balances, and payment dates to customers’ inboxes.

Mogo becomes one of first in Canada to decision customers without impacting their credit score—try to find this at a bank.

⊲ Mogo stacks team by attracting top talent from banking: Carlos Medeiros, VP, Credit Risk, Shirley Chen as Treasurer, and Lisa Skakun as Chief Legal & Administrative Officer.

⊲ National launch of Mogo’s Financial Fitness Coach,
Chantel Chapman, who shocks BNN and finance with her version of “Netflix & Chill.”

Mogo tests first prepaid Chip & PIN MogoCard, is one step closer to offering free alternative to high-cost bank debit cards with no risk of overdraft/NSF fees. Banks cry a little.
Mogo named to CIX list as one of Canada’s most innovative public tech companies and joins MaRS Discovery District’s Toronto fintech hub.
RBC = first Canadian corporation to pass $10b in annual net profit. Peter Mansbridge suggests these high earnings levels may not last with rise of fintech companies like Mogo.

Mogo elves distribute 60k condoms with the reminder “Don’t get screwed by the banks this holiday season,” ends year with bang.


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